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POST Grant Fund Availability 2017/2018

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Published: Fri, 03/17/2017 - 7:54am

Notice of Funding FY 2018

The Colorado POST Regional and In-Service Grant Programs are announcing the availability of funds for the training of law enforcement peace officers, particularly small and rural agencies, for FY 2018. Funds are subject to state legislative allocation. The POST grant program year begins July 1st and ends June 30th of each year with an application period of March 1st through March 31st of each year. In order to be considered for funding, training region applicants must submit an application via the POST grant management database and agency applicants must submit an In-Service Grant Application via email to All applications must be submitted no later than March 31st, 2017.

Entities which have received previous Region Grant funding from POST have continual access to the database. New applicants for Regional Grant Funds should contact Grant Manager Becky Calomino, for access to the system and to receive further instructions. Her contact information is Eligible applicants must be a local government, college, university or not-for-profit for the purpose of funding peace officer training programs. Eligible use of funds includes, training, training equipment, training supplies, backfill and travel costs for both student and instructor. Program delivery and grant administrative funds are also available if eligible.

For questions please contact Becky Calomino, Grant Manager, at or Bob Baker, In-Service Grant &, Training Manager, at