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ITAK Equipment and Training Update

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Published: Tue, 05/10/2016 - 12:10pm

ITAK Update: ITAK equipment will be provided for the training.

Arrangements have been made and the instructors will have kits on hand at each class for training purposes. Please do not bring kit provided to your agency as they need to remain sterile. Officers SHOULD NOT bring their agency\'s ITAK to training.

POST has scheduled training throughout the state on the use of Individual Trauma Aid Kits (ITAK) that were purchased by the Attorney General's Office and distributed to law enforcement agencies statewide. The training will be provided by POST and will be offered at NO COST TO AGENCIES

The training is not mandatory. The classes below are available to sign up for in the POST Portal:

Gunnison May 31st 10-12

Gunnison May 31st 1-3pm

Durango June 7th 10-12pm

Durango June 7th 1-3pm

Alamosa June 8th 10-12pm

Alamosa June 8th 1-3pm

Burlington June 15th 10-12pm

Burlington June 15th 1-3pm

Brighton June 16th 10-12pm

Brighton June 16th 1-3pm

Fort Collins June 23rd 10-12pm

Fort Collins June 23rd 1-3pm

Thornton June 27th 10-12pm

Thornton June 27th 1-3pm

Vail June 29th 10-2pm

Vail June 29th 1-3pm

Please don't hesitate to call POST with any questions.