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Colorado Peace Officer Standards & Training (POST)

POST is a unit of the Criminal Justice Section at the Colorado Attorney General's Office. It documents and manages the certification and training of all active peace officers and reserve peace officers working in Colorado. POST provides continuing training on emerging issues, distributes grants to law enforcement agencies, and investigates civil and criminal violations of POST’s certification statutes.


Compliance oversees and approves POST law enforcement academies, processes variance requests to POST Rule, certifies and decertifies peace officers and audits law enforcement agencies’ Use of Force policies.


Training develops and implements quality practices in a variety of areas to educate and support law enforcement, as well as tracks in-service training hours for certified peace officers, pursuant to POST Rule 28.


Grants manages statewide budget for reimbursement of law enforcement training expenses, distributes funds for Colorado training regions, coordinates formulaic and competitive grant application process and audits law enforcement agencies receiving training equipment from POST.


The mission of Colorado POST is to establish and maintain standards for peace officer training and certification that are relevant, realistic and responsive to our ever-changing world.

What's New

Agenda and Sessions Overview are now available HERE or via the QR code below.
The POST Board meeting has been moved to Thursday, March 13, 2025. The meeting will be held at 1:00 PM at 350 E Horsetooth Rd, Fort Collins, at the Fort Collins Marriott.  
The FY26 (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026) application process will be open March 1 through March 31 for the following funding opportunities: