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FY26 POST Grants Announcement

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The FY26 (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026) application process will be open March 1 through March 31 for the following funding opportunities:

  • Regional & In-Service Grant Programs are available to acquire training, conduct training and attend training for Colorado peace officers, who are currently employed by a law enforcement agency. Examples of allowable costs: tuition, lodging, travel, instructor fees, class supplies, backfill, and overtime. Training equipment is also an allowable expense. Entities which have received previous funding from POST have continual access to the database. New applicants need to register in the POST Grant System. 

    Important: Non-profit entities that provide law enforcement training are eligible to apply through the Regional Grant Program as a Training Provider. POST will continue funding PoliceOne for all Colorado law enforcement agencies in FY26.


  • Capital Improvement Grant Program is designed to improve law enforcement training facilities in Colorado. Projects benefiting region-wide training initiatives will be prioritized. 


  • Rural & Small Agency Academy Scholarship Grant Program provides scholarships to law enforcement agencies in rural and smaller jurisdictions with limited resources. Funding is to assist with the payment of tuition costs only for peace officer candidates to attend an approved basic law enforcement training academy. POST will reimburse the law enforcement agency once the academy attendee has successfully completed the academy. The academy attendee must sign a contract with POST requiring that they work in a small and rural jurisdiction for three years.